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Striking Fine Art

Art Prints

Road End Bonanza

Like in the old West when someone or comes down the road to Bonanza you can see them for miles before they get there because of the dust kinking up. […]

Working Farmer

Agriculture landscape of a farmer working the fields, kicking up some dirt dust on the farm. Lookout road and 95th street a familiar sight in East Boulder County where there is a lot of farming and farmers markets. Farming and ranching in Colorado grew up alongside mining and town building. The influx of gold seekers […] […]

Farmer Working

Agriculture landscape of a farmer working the fields, kicking up some dirt dust on the farm. Lookout road and 95th street a familiar sight in East Boulder County where there is a lot of farming and farmers markets. Farming and ranching in Colorado grew up alongside mining and town building. The influx of gold seekers […] […]