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Lightning Thunderhead Storm Cell Photography Image

Sunday night the 15th of August, lightning bolt striking from a huge lonely thunderhead storm cell at Hwy 52 and 287. Boulder County, Colorado. […]

Cloud of Lightning in Boulder County Colorado – Photo

This lightning images was taken at highway 52 and highway 287 looking south east. Boulder County, Colorado. This was one large thunderhead supercell that was striking pretty good for about two hours. This is a 15 sec – f5.6 – 200 ISO – 53mm – Long times exposure. […]

Highway 52 Lightning Storm Boulder County Colorado

A thunderstorm cell with lightning striking east of highway 52 and Highway 287. Boulder County Colorado. […]

Four Strikes – Lightning Photography

Four Strikes and you’re out???

Four lightning bolts striking the desert floor. Striking Lightning Photography by Bo Insogna. This lightning photo was scanned in from from film.

Did you know that Most lightning strikes occur either at the beginning or end of a storm. The average lightning strike is six miles long. Lightning can reach […]